Friday, November 13, 2009

Old to New

This used to be someone's home. The family donated the house and land to Habitat. If we could have repaired it, we would have. But, it was more affordable to start from the beginning.

So, volunteers tore it down! Amazing!

4 months later.....
411 Volunteers later....
2,100 hours later.....
EarthCraft Certified

It's simple, right? But decent...and most of all affordable!

This home opens so many opportunities for the family that will be living here! Instead of paying over $800/month for a substandard rental, they will now own a home (yes, morntage payments, taxes, insurance...all the escrow items), but it's affordable. No Habitat partner family pays more that $450/month total. Look how much disposable income that opens up. Now this family can focus on better education...better food....better insurance and medical care....they now have equity!
This family is so excited about their home...not having to all share one tiny bathroom...having a yard to play in....having a home!
Shall I go on? I promise not to be a commercial for Habitat....just showing off a recently completed home....amazing how many hands contributed to it! Thanks all 411 of you!

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