Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Can you balance 10 nails on top of one?

Question: If you hammer a nail into the ground...can you balance 10 individual nails on top of that one nail?

My friend, Gene Lundgrin can do it! And he would ask you to try without seeing the picture below...and you would think it's impossible...even though you know it's not since he's asking...right?

Here's a few things about Mr. Eugene....

  1. He has helped build over 20 homes with Charleston Habitat for Humanity over the past 8-9 years - he comes every Thursday!

  2. He loves working with college student volunteers...especially the girls! (admittedly so)

  3. Gene pays attention....I made muffins for volunteers one Thursday, so he thought I enjoyed baking. The next week, he brought me a bread starter so that I could bake every week!...another example...a girl that used to work here, Angie - she liked to salsa dance - so he bought her a salsa-dancing skirt!

  4. Gene fought in WWII

  5. Gene is from Kansas

  6. He loves to wear his Habitat t-shirts - and will speak to anyone he ever sees wearing one!

  7. He's a pro! He's a huge help!!! He's a hero! =)

    Here's Gene talking with a group of volunteers from Villanova University:

Here's Gene teaching a volunteer how to put shingles on the roof:
...did I mention he loves college-aged girls?...it's true, but he's happily married too! ;)

Now who wouldn't want to come volunteer with this guy???

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