Monday, February 15, 2010

Open the windows!!! snOMG!!

For the first time in a looooong time, it snowed in Charleston, SC!!! It would have to be when it's snowing in 48 other states as well! THAT would be the only time it would snow here! I was home Friday night baking some cakes for a bake sale when the flakes started to fall. If I hadn't gotten a text message, I probably would have sat there all night without looking outside to see this!

So, be sure to open your windows from time to time...look outside....don't forget there is a whole world happening just feet away from you. You never know what you could miss!
There's my car...another form of "home" for me. I was able to pull out my snow/ice scrapper Saturday morning for its first use in 3 years!!!

Saturday, our "Women Build committee" had a bake sale during the SEWE festival! Tables filled with beautifully wrapped, delicious treats/sweets/goodies....all those words start to sound strange after saying them over and over. "Would you like to try some treats?" or "Buy some sweets for your sweetheart"....after a while, I felt creepy.

These two awesome girls toughed it out all day for two days in the hand-numbing, nose-dripping, teeth-chattering, why-can't-i-feel-my-toes?, you-touched-me?, what-else-can-i-wrap-myself-with?, freezing cold weather!

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